
Dedicated to protecting the marine environment through research projects

The Sea World Foundation is proud to conduct and support vital research projects into marine wildlife, wildlife health, ecology and disease.

Through these research projects, the Sea World Foundation aims to raise a greater knowledge, appreciation and awareness for the marine environment and the issues facing it.

The Foundation conducts research with universities and like-minded organisations through monetary, expertise, personnel, equipment and other in-kind donations.

Recent Research Projects

Humpback Whale Research

The Sea World Foundation proudly supports Griffith University’s Healthy Whales project.

The research conducted by Dr. Olaf Meynecke is the only study of its kind in Australia and aims to undertake research on humpback whales in south-east Queensland to determine movement behaviour in relation to fine scale currents such as coastal fronts, temperature gradients and preferred habitats within the bay.

Tag data will also be used to develop collision avoidance strategies based on resident times and movement patterns in urbanised coastal zones with shipping channels and frequent recreational boat traffic.

Dugong Population Research

In one of the longest running research projects, the Sea World Foundation supports an annual health assessment on the Dugong population in Moreton Bay with the University of Queensland.

This project, led by Dr. Janet Lanyon is the only dugong health program undertaken in the world and has enabled us to establish baseline clinical health parameters for this species while also identifying the importance of protecting seagrass beds in the area.

These assessments are conducted by a highly-skilled team of biologists and veterinarians who assess clinical health, body condition and reproductive status of the species.

Grey Nurse Research

The Sea World Foundation supports the Queensland Government Grey nurse shark-diver interaction research project.

The grey nurse shark-diver interaction research is a partnership project, which draws on good science and collaboration with industry and monitors for possible impacts of divers on this critically endangered species to help protect grey nurse shark designated areas and aggregations.

Research field work has been completed at Wolf Rock and Flat Rock.

Dolphin Surveys

The Sea World Foundation supports Dolphin Research Australia and their founding director Dr Elizabeth Hawkins on surveys of local dolphin populations in South-East Queensland waterways.

These long-term surveys aim to identify local dolphin populations and increase knowledge and understanding of how they utilise their waterways to enable us to make more informed management and conservation initiatives to protect them.

Our partners

Surf Life Saving Queensland

Surf Life Saving Queensland (SLSQ) is the state’s leading authority on aquatic safety and surf rescue, and one of the largest volunteer-based community service organisations in Australia. SLSQ’s volunteer surf lifesavers and lifeguards have directly saved the lives of more than 135,000 people through in-water rescues, and educated in excess of 10 million people about surf and aquatic safety through targeted and grassroots community awareness programs.

SLSQ are proud to collaborate with Sea World to increase awareness of our unique marine environment and educate visitors on safety around sea jellies.


More information

Funded Projects
Funded Projects
Published Papers
Published Papers
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